..... poetry .....



"Duty And The Two Candles"

Finally, after all the singing, all the dancing
    and drumming,
    and all the pleading with the Deities,
    it was time to return to the Everyday.

One by one, she took down the four altars,
    satisfied with their ability to absorb the mysterious
    along with the mundane.

She couldn't help but admire the last two candles
    with their majestic height and virgin white color
    encased in glass.

Though they looked identical
    she noticed how one candle was silent,
    while the other one shook freely.

Puzzled, she drew each to her ear
     to try to uncover their mystery.

"I Know What Is Expected Of Me"
     one candle said stoically,
     while the other candle whispered,
"i always leave room for the Divine."

August 2007




©2010, Michael Smolens